Saturday, August 20, 2011

RTS or RIGHT TO Speak -Out : ;( India Issue )

I THINK ( IF I Have right to think, under present 'cripple' Democracy) that , even, the PM is not the right "CAPTAIN' nor is he as 'CLEAN' as some interested SUPPORTERS are trying to project him as.
He does not Have the STATURE of a 'ROBUST CAPTAIN ,To Steer the SHIP ( Contry) while waves are so STORMY and a CAPTAIN who has been wishing for a ' MAGIC WAND', all his life! That is not how a Capatin or Lrader responds to adverse situations.
Even, after A Raja was arrested, I saw, on TV, the way he was patting him, for the sigh of relief he allowed him.
He may me a great Economist and I know he is , but a Captain or a 'LEAD-ER' is made of different stuff and he does not, I think , fit in that attire. He has plenty of ROTTEN EGGS in his BUSKET.
Nor he represent the whole people , being elected from a remote crner of India (Assam) The real PM of a vast Country like India should be elected by the WHOLE COUNTRY, to be free of Party -Bondage.
I am past 80 years now and I may be un-important but I have seen and experienced a lot !

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