Saturday, August 20, 2011


I THINK ( IF I Have right to tink, under present cripple Democracy) that even, the PM is not the right "CAPTAIN' nor is he as 'CLEAN' As some interested SUPPORTERS are trying To project him.
He does not Have STATURE of a 'ROBUST CAPTAIN ,To Steer the SHIP ( Contry) while waves are so STORMY and a CAPTAIN who has been wishing for a ' MAGIC WAND". That is not how a Capatin or Lrader responds.
Even, after A Raja was arrested, I saw the way he was patting A,Raja , for the sigh of relief he allowed him.
He may me a great Economist and I know he is , ABut a Captain or a LEAD-ER is made of different stuff and he does not, I think , fit in that attire. And he has plenty of ROTTEN EGGS in his BUSKET. I am past 80 years now and I may be un-important but I have seen and experienced a lot !

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