Sunday, August 21, 2011


Upto a evel of thought,even Einstein could not write off the Play of Pre-Destination !
The two great Democracies of the world are placed almost opposite sides of the Globe.The U.S.A is largest in size, smaller in population, wealthiest in economy and the oldest democracy onn time-line , while India is the largest in population, smaller in size, poorer in economy but youngest in political freedom.
Yet there are other differences too;
U.S.A has a Democracy where the PRESIDENT is the most Powerful one and has to win with Maximum nomber of support of the people .
In India the Picture is different . It is a parliamentary democracy where the Prime Minster( now Dr. M.M.Singh) is not the Most powerful person but the Majority Party-president is (now Mrs. Sonia Gandhi).
That is the crux and paradox of power STATUS. The Prime Minister was elected not by the whole people but by only a fractional Part of India(Assam)as MP and was then pulled in to fill up the chair of PM-ship and not with his own strength but by the party-choice,thus resulting in POWR-Failure or PoWer -Crisis .
And now the PM , helplessly ,is praying for a MAGIC-WAND or Complaining of 'COALITION -Compulsion.

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