Thursday, August 18, 2011


" US students 'mus brush up' on maths" ; The Times Of India, Kolkata, Saturday, August 19,2011 : P -15.
Dear President,
The quickest way to convert your advice to 'Reality' is as follows:

Take away all 'Calculators ' from School-children's REACH, up to the age of 15 ( fifteen) and also from Schools and introduce MULTIPLICATION - TABLE (1 into 1 - - - - - - - ---up to 20 into ten ) by 'Oral practice' , as we learnt in our child -hood from our mother -grand-mother , 'Patthah-shaalaa'(nursery) , then primary , secondary school-level.
I was in U.S A for 15 years and found that , even to count 'three-times four' , the kids brought out the CALCULATOR to know that it is 12 !
In 1997, even as a Senior Citizen , in ACME, I could calculate my 'Total purchase faster than the lady before the machine at the 'Exit' counter.

TAKE off the CALCULATOR up to school Standard SIX, let them learn the Multiplication Table by practising orally and memorising it and find the outcome.

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