Monday, June 14, 2010


In INDIAN (BHARAT) Mythology , there is a story of 'Gods and Demons ' joining hands to squiz or Churn the Ocean to Extract 'AMRIT' [ Necter ] and in the process both played their respective 'Foul-games' and decption and the result ended in Solar-Eclipse (like the Modern B-P Event in Mexican Gulf).
I am least worried about the final effect ( 'as you sow , - so you reap' ). Greed , Profit and Economy ; all have their own Rules in their respective Field. Or the resultant Tragedies are their own making. So let men / Nations be rich , happy or suffer through their own action.
But what right has this civillised and hungry Homo-sapiens ( Including Demons & Gods ) to poison , torture or make suffer those innocent Birds and Aquatic beings for exploring means of humans Comfort-concept !
20,ooo men were killed/ murdered in Bhopal 25 yrs back by same such greedy Civillisation's Dream of Progress ,without any side accepting the Responsibility of that 'Mass Murder'.
Now in this Maxican Gulf tragedy , is there any Global Judiciary to hold any side responsible for killing or suffocating the Avian life and Aquatic Innocents.
Anyone can explain it in otherways but Nature knows how to bring judgement through Ecological Rule like Natural Calamities, Weather-Disaster of Storm, Cyclone, Tsunamis and even Global Wars where the Rule of Nature Prevail .

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