Thursday, June 17, 2010

BUFFETT & GATES : Noble Spirit........ But.......

BUFFETT, GATES Ask Rich to Donate Half Their Wealth :[ Good ...Great ! but ...WRONG } - Sorce : T.O.I , Kolkata(India)
Ideas and Ideals based on Genetic Strait and up-ward evolution of the Soul -ingrdents are good , lofty and even Divine.. What Bill Gates and Buffetts could achieve were Outside the Capacity of others, even if they had the Resources and predisposition. Attitude and Soul -level works on higher level above Vital Capacity and , even Intellectual potentiality. Expanded Consciousness and Soul- Luminosity is a divine potentiality.
So the wish of these two great Souls are so good ideals but futile in the field of Reality , even Realativity.
G.B.S , once, told that ' people are honest because there are Police-men'. This is the biological Law for majority of the Society / Nation. only a feww people are genetically great/benevolent.

I suggest : there should be a Constitutional AMMENDMENT to declare that 50% of the wealth (Earned by the Self) of the RICH (only Billionairs ) should Return back to the Treasury for Charity/Philanthrophy ( specifically) after the Death of the Billionaire..
Let us put to Test and see how many Respond and in what way !

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