Sunday, October 18, 2009


Not a publicity STUNT mere but is it not a sign of National -Decay or degeneration.
Measure the depth of it and the picture will be clear.In poor countries like Afganistan, India or African countries, poverty may lead to all paths of cheating for self-survival. But in a wealthy nation like U.S.A a well- off educated family where the whole family join the game of cheatting and bluffing the whole Nation and most shocking, inducing their three children to join the play of cheating and bluff and affect the whole Nation to help their own cheating game. This ia a MULTIPLE -CRIME and the worst ,their involving their own children -most consciously ,
And for what ? ...for a 'reality -Show' which , as I think , is also 80% time, not a 'Reality - shoow' but more often than not are manipulated tricks.This is my own impression after I have seen a few of them.
Many things unfortunate for U.S.A, are,also, happening in the 'Media field' of U.S.A.

I think this whole family , joining a collective - plan of cheating and bluffing to the Nation for material and selfish gain should get the heaviest punishment for detterent and preventive effect.

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