Thursday, November 28, 2013


Can an Iran deal prevent arms race?

By Frida Ghitis
November 26, 2013 -- Updated 1249 GMT (2049 HKT)
The Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, fear a nuclear Iran even more than Israel does. Arabs and Persians are historic rivals, even enemies. Iran's revolutionary regime has a stated purpose of spreading revolution, in direct opposition to the stability and survival of the ruling Gulf regimes. The Gulf states will not sit idly by while Iran continues enriching uranium, especially after the world has repeatedly discovered Iran operating secret nuclear facilities in the past.

How'z   that 
if  Mr.'I'  does  have  it
then  must  have  I 

Oh !  this  Nuclear  missile  !-  my  life - long  dream
It's  a Global  prestige  ,  like  Olympic  Game
the  symbol   of  prestige  and   strength  ;  a beautiful  theme 
with   in-built   &  power   like   'BIG-BOSS'  of  enviable  fame I

Must  have  it   if   Mr.' I '   does  have ;  and  take  the  vow 
let  me  wait   and   see,  where  it  ends   and  --  how !
Composed : 11 / 28 / 2013 .

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