Saturday, September 4, 2010


Religious leaders hit back at Hawking
September 3, 2010 3:25 p.m. EDT : CNN
Reiigious Leaders understood Less and Reacted more. Of course , the case is out of their hand ,in 21st Century. Otherwise this Catholic Institution that burnt BRUNO for his advanced thoughts would have tried , at least, to dump HAWKING's frail body without understanding what he said.
Hawking was partially right; God did not Create Universe because to Create , one has to gather 'matter' from outside the SELF . As Nothing in COSMOS can be outside Divinity,God could only Manifest( not create) and get involved in CONSCIOUSNESS (Supra-Conscious REALITY)beyond the Zone Of RELATIVITY. And this 'God' has no BELLY-BUTTON like Cathoic -Preaching. Being IMMUTABLE, the First CAUSE or DIVINE can never be SEEN nor MEASURED ( Being beyond the FIELD of RELATIVITY ).
It is here where Hawking was wrong I.E 'INEVITABILITY OF LAW OF PHYSICS " is also a mental Construction (Logo)of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and as such, can not be the FIRST CAUSE which is ever beyond the REACH of CHURCH or even Hawking.
For the TRUTH OF REALITY , EACH side has to find the ANSWER in VEDANTA OF INDIA where it is said : Like a Spider making its 'NET' out of ITSELF, the Divine gets INVOLVED WITHIN ITSELF (GOD is not HE /She nor Neuter) and EVOLVE OUT through MANIFESTATIONS. The Western World has to know first, the difference between CREATION & MANIFESTATION because GOD does not have the Power to CREATE (by GOD's Own CHOICE).

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