Tuesday, December 18, 2012


It seems the SCRIPT is badly written
or yet 'half -finished ' !
As the Story does not survive ' Acid-test'
whoever told or however explained..

Let none have a GUN or every one have
the story told yet has 'Birth-defect'
How did the boy first killed his mother
with her Guns
Or did the boy had access to the GUN
before killing his mother?
Only Sherlock Holmes can tell !

This revelation , SIMPLE, will answer all the puzzles
how American Guns are bought and kept UN-safe
How could the boy KILL his Mother with Mother's GUNS
if they were LOCKED or kept Guarded - and as ' SAFE' ?

Or, did the son found the GUNS 'Sitting Idle ' in openthat were waiting for him to try the Tragic Game ? ?

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