Saturday, August 7, 2010


For the Globe
the Count-down starts
as REVEATION told, or Science predicts
or VEDANTA said four
thousands or , more years back
Or , it may, - like Cloud-burst that happened in Leh
or like Tsunami-s of the World - all inified
and with inflated Oceans - drowning the Earth.
No more chance to make -'Noah's Arc'.
OR, -with smoke- screen ,thick by whch Mosscow suffers now
Biblical-Death riding , White Horse and intense fire
like that tiny hHiroshima -death
thousand of Nucelar stars raining down
as told in that 'Revelation'
or your Scientific Black-hole ' Crunch
or like Kali-yug of VEDIC Songs!

Why tremble , dear, or buckle down
It will be only the Collective DEATH
with Suoer-glow - exit togethe, all
as decided by DIVINE -otherwise
By you the self-willed Conscious MAN..

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