Friday, February 19, 2010


Not a Smart 'move' in International 'Chess-Politics ':
After all, a Spiritual Leader who ran away from his Land (JESUS DID NOT) , took shelter in India , leaving behind his people and , as a fugitive propaganda- politician spent all his life with 'political asylum' should not claim to be all 'Spiritual.
Jesus did not but faced crucifixon, for his people. Even the Burmese Lady accepted her fate but did not barter her moral.

With all and more respect to his life-style and spiritual stature, I think , he should have stood on his Land , also moral ground and be with his people and face all consequences as designed by the supreme 'Buddha'.
Running about from pillar to post will not help his people , nor 'Bodhisattwa', nor Buddha.
Marketting in political world won't help either side. Politicians are smarter in that worldly job.

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