Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Just listen ,then, my friend
what bothers you so much
with the finishing touch
the Leaders, all, have set the Stage
the Atomic Age, the Neutron Bomb
have condensed ,finally , the ife of all
within a nuclear-switch
the split-second touch - the tick or click
of certain political whim
shall wipe off life on Earth
So ! -you strife for what ! ?

To day
try in what ever way
there won't be another day
plead or pray but all in vain
no to-morrow , - you will see again
the demonic Ego , now can not stop
and after the 'Neutron-drop'
the Sun may rise ; but not for you and me
the World shall in an instant be
and human-race shall die , - as One
after rhe Nucear flash
with no more desire to survive
or to clash.
( Was written in Bengali in 1964 ;transated during USA -stay , between 1995-1998)